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The Voice Of Netaji
SURL 507
Label: Sursagar
Record Number: SURL 507
Format: Vinyl, LP
Country: India
Released: 1985
Record Type: 33 RPM
Style: Bollywood
Record Condition: Good
Cover Condition: Good
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Song Side One:
- Speech At Flag Hoisting Ceremony, Haripura Congress 1938
- Message Of Congress Presdent In English, In Hindi, In Bengali 1938
- Recorded Statement After Resignation As Congress President In Bengali, 1939
- Excerpt Of Speech In German On Indian Independence Day, Berlin In 1943
Song Side Two:
- Speech At Press Confrence In Tokyo, June 1943
- Broadcast From Tokyo In English, In Bengali, June 1943
- Address To Indian Independence League In Hindi, Singapore July 1943
- Excerps From Speech At Greater East Asia Confrence, Tokyo November 1943
- Address To The In English INA 1944